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Galactic 123 FAQ

What is Galactic 123?

It is a scifi web browser game that primarily runs on the WAX blockchain. Galactic 123, therefore, is also an NFT collection.

What is WAX?

WAX stands for World Asset eXchange and it is a blockchain well suited for NFTs and blockchain games. You can learn more about it at wax.io

What is the Galactic 123 NFT collection?

The Galactic NFT collection on WAX is galactic123c , and the various NFTs have different uses and functionalities.

Grand List of Galactic 123 Links

Galactic 123 relies a lot on other websites, primarily those that provide services within the WAX blockchain. Many of these links are mentioned elsewhere in the site, but are also included here for your convenience. Here is the great list of links:

Galaxic NFTs farms:

Stake Galaxic at https://waxdao.io/farm/g123dgalaxic earn DUST

Stake Galaxic at https://waxdao.io/farm/g123xgalaxic earn XYTE

Stake Galaxic at https://waxdao.io/farm/g123wgalaxic earn WAX

Stake Galaxic at https://waxdao.io/farm/g123egalaxic earn ECR

DOGE Woof NFT links:

Stake DOGE Woof at https://waxdao.io/farm/g123thecave2 earn DUST

Stake DOGE Woof at https://waxdao.io/farm/g123thecave3 earn WUF

misc.1 NFT Links (anything from schema misc.1 can be staked below):

Stake anything from misc.1 at https://waxdao.io/farm/g123gallery2 earn LFGK

Stake anything from misc.1 at https://waxdao.io/farm/g123kgallery earn KCHAT

Stake anything from misc.1 at https://waxdao.io/farm/g123gallery4 earn TLM

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